Month: March 2015

Weekly photo challenge: ephemeral

“It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince I was schooled by this week’s ephemeral photo challenge and confess I’ve been using the word “ephemeral” incorrectly (I thought it meant something possessing a dream-like quality…).  🙂 I had a few fleeting moments between handing crayons to my son who was kind enough to share the kitchen table (and take the opportunity to experiment with coloring on the table while I was distracted). Spring is technically here on the east coast, but you can’t tell by the weather.  We get a day or two of warmth and sunshine before winter temps rush back in to dash our hopes that spring is here to stay.  So I bought these tulips as consolation and hope they’ll stick around until warmer weather brings the neighborhood flowers.

Weekly photo challenge: orange

“Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways.” ― Oscar Wilde This week’s photo challenge was fun.  Not least because it gave me a chance to reminisce about warmer temperatures, sunshine, and summer fruit.  And with the bit of thaw we’re having here in the D.C. area, spring doesn’t seem so far away.

dog, toddler, window

A year of photos: my 365 project

“We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence then is not an act but a habit.” – Aristotle I finished my first 365 photography project a few weeks ago and to celebrate, I wanted to share some of my favorite images from the year.  Embarking on a 365 project was the best step I’ve taken to improve my photography.  No amount of reading tutorials or browsing others’ work online (although I do that plenty) could have taught me more than what I learned from daily shooting. Just Get Better When my son was born in 2013, I drooled over all the adorable newborn photos on Pinterest, but was too late to book a photographer.  So I thought I’d take some time during my maternity leave to (finally) learn to use my DSLR.  I got some shots that are dear to me, but nowhere near the quality I had hoped for.  I’d consider doing a 365 project before, but had been too intimidated to commit to one.  However, after a few months of frustrating images, I knew that a long-term commitment was just what I needed. …

Weekly photo challenge: reward

“The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.” – John Ruskin This is the shot that wrapped up my first 365 project last weekend.  I’ll share some of my favorites from throughout the year soon, but in the meantime, I’m enjoying a bit of downtime from daily shooting, considering the many rewards that came from the project, and thinking about my 365. You can find more responses to the “reward” challenge at the Daily Post.