All posts tagged: beginning

Capturing spring

“The beginning is always today.” ― Mary Shelley April has turned out to be a wonderful time to start a 365 photography project.  It’s a new season and fresh start and motivation comes a little easier when the weather is warmer.  I don’t even mind the rain so much as long as the chill is gone.  Every year when spring arrives, I commit (in vain) to learning the names of all the blossoms.  Something about being able to say, “Oh, look at those star magnolia blossoms over there” makes be feel like a budding (haha) botanist.  It’s like a survival skill somehow.  Except, I doubt knowing the names of flowering trees is going to help much in the zombie apocalypse.  (Neither, likely, are my similar attempts to learn the native birds in Virginia.)Anyway, I usually forget the names of all but one blossom every year, so at this rate, I may have learned them all by the time my son graduates college.  Perhaps blogging about them will aid in learning, so I’ll share this week’s lesson:  the …